Orientation of Torus arm segments

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Orientation of Torus arm segments

Post by M&M » Sun Feb 21, 2021 2:38 pm

Hi , I’m a beginner with Great Stella, so I hope that this is not a stupid question.

Let us create a torus with 5 segments around torus and 3 segments around arm.
The cross section of the arm segments is a triangle and the "base" faces the center of the torus and the "apex" faces outwards.

Is there an easy way to reverse this orientation such that the apex faces inwards and the base faces outwards?

Many thanks in advance.
M&M :D

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Re: Orientation of Torus arm segments

Post by robertw » Mon Feb 22, 2021 2:09 am

Hi, and welcome to Stella!

At the moment, you're right, there's no way to decide the angle of the cross-section around the torus.

One way you could make that shape though would be as follows:
1. Create torus with 6 segments around the arm rather than 3
2. Use faceting mode to create the faces you need

The hexagon contains the points for both the original triangular torus and the one you're after, so you can create the one you want by connecting half the vertices up in the appropriate way (faceting). You may want to read the "Faceting Mode" and "Faceting" sections of the manual: https://www.software3d.com/StellaManual ... #facetMode

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