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Export / Import alignment?

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2011 8:02 pm
by HonestAbe
This question is really nit-picking,
because Stella 4D exceeded my expectations;
in fact, it's beyond belief how perfect it is for what I want to do.

When I import an OBJ into Maya, or 3Ds max,
it is rotated at a strange angle.


I figured out a round-about way to align it with Maya.
However, if there is something I could do on the Stella side
that would be nice to know.

Thank you!

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 1:17 pm
by robertw
I think I can answer your question.

Models are exported with the same orientation they have on the screen at the time of export. So if you rotate it to a weird angle, then it is exported at a weird angle. However this is intended as a feature...

Solution: select an option from the "View->Orientation" menu first, such as "Look Down 4-fold Axis", or "Sit on 3-fold Axis", then export the model.

In the next major release of Stella (still quite a while off) this will be made clearer and easier, with orientation options in the export dialog box.


Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 10:42 pm
by HonestAbe
I was confident you would not have overlooked something like this.
Brilliant work with this program Rob;
I deeply appreciate the ability to export the models.