Can you export a net as a .dxf file?

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Can you export a net as a .dxf file?

Post by danielcastor »

I work primarily in AutoCAD and am able to export .dxf models from Stella for use. This is fine for simple polyhedra, but the more complex shapes make it difficult to see where the various planes intersect. Is there a way to export the nets as .dxf files? Thanks for your help!
P.S. Just for fun, I have attached a photo of a great icosidodecahedron I made out of cardboard. Impossible for me, without Stella!
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Re: Can you export a net as a .dxf file?

Post by robertw »

No you can't export nets as DXF I'm afraid. But if you export a DXF with the Stellation view selected, it will export the externally visible parts only, which is probably what you want since you said you want to see the intersections.
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Re: Can you export a net as a .dxf file?

Post by danielcastor »

I unselected one of the options in the export dialogue, and it worked. Very exciting - thank you for taking the time to help!
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Re: Can you export a net as a .dxf file?

Post by obliqlaser »

Hey Daniel, that's one hell of a model! I'd love to know more about it's construction as I also make a lot of things out of laser cut cardboard and am always trying to go bigger. My ceilings are about 18ft. In the workshop and it hasn't been my limiting factor yet but soon hopefully! Is the lighter shade tape or did you construct a wooden frame?
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Re: Can you export a net as a .dxf file?

Post by danielcastor »

Thanks! It's about 10' in diameter. I had to construct a wooden spine inside to keep it from sagging. I installed a hook at the top of the spine which protrudes through a face you can't see, where I attached a rope on a pulley to get it suspended. I am guessing the whole thing weighs 200 lbs. Yes the lighter edges are water activated packing tape. All it needs is a UPS label and it will be ready to send.
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