I finally released my debut album Eclectic Dystopia today, along with the single Deviate and its new music video.
The video features a "mystical box" in the form of a small stellated dodecahedron I made from paper. Three lids open up, operated by fishing line, with an LED light inside.
Here's the full video:
You can buy a digital download of the album here: https://disconnectica.bandcamp.com/albu ... c-dystopia
You can even buy a professionally printed CD here: https://kunaki.com/msales.asp?PublisherId=198029&pp=1
Or stream everywhere...
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/6elYrUrtFpDExQS8KTUZDm
Apple: https://music.apple.com/us/album/eclect ... 29924?ls=1
Opening box in shape of small stellated dodecahedron
Re: Opening box in shape of small stellated dodecahedron
Strange, but I like it!