Dynamic graph of convex polyhedra with regular faces

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Posts: 9
Joined: Wed Dec 19, 2018 9:28 am

Dynamic graph of convex polyhedra with regular faces

Post by Wagyx » Wed Dec 19, 2018 9:49 am

Hello people from the Stella community,

Long story short, here is a graph of all convex polyhedra with regular faces.
I hope you will enjoy it.
I welcome any critics and remarks.

Short story long, I have been interested in convex polyhedra recently.
I found a paper proving that all convex polyhedra can be obtained by joining a finite set of other smaller convex polyhedra.
Another paper also provides the decomposition of Platonic, Archimedean, Johnson solids as well as polyhedra with parquet faces.
So it gave me the idea to make this graph.
If you hover over a node, more information is displayed as well as an animated image rendered with Blender (not Stella, sorry).
More detailed explanations and resources are on the webpage.

By the way, during my search I found about the software Stella.
This tool is great so I wanted to show my appreciation to the creator.

I hope I am posting in the right part of the forum.

Please also tell me if this deserves to be posted elsewhere on the internet (and where, obviously).
Last edited by Wagyx on Tue May 23, 2023 4:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Posts: 9
Joined: Wed Dec 19, 2018 9:28 am

Re: Dynamic graph of convex polyhedra with regular faces

Post by Wagyx » Sun Aug 28, 2022 7:19 pm

I have updated the loading of the graph. It is much faster and embedded in the main page now.
Please enjoy !

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