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Worlds Kaleid!

Fracture your world with Worlds Kaleid!

Worlds Kaleid is a live camera kaleidoscope app. View the world in real-time through a kaleidoscope with a large collection of patterns and distortions to choose from. Twist kaleidoscopic patterns into infinite rings or spirals. There are even 3D kaleidoscopes. All running in real-time on your device.

How to use

Quick instructions:

  • Pick a pattern from the bottom toolbar
  • Pick a warping from the left toolbar
  • Pick a source from the top toolbar
  • Bottom left button to hide the other buttons
  • Hit red camera button to take a photo

Get Worlds Kaleid

Go to the Google Play store to download it for Android (other platforms may come later depending on demand).


App being used:

Video showing the kinds of things you can see in this app:
Note: app can take photos, but not export video

Images created with Worlds Kaleid


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Copyright © 2016-2024, Robert Webb



Search terms: kaleidoscope, kaleidoscopic, repeat, repetition, tiling, tilings, tessellation, tessellate, tesselation, tesselate, geometry, polyhedra, polyhedron, polyhedrons