By taking uniform polyhedron duals, and isohedrally faceting them, and then taking the duals of those, you get isogonal polyhedra that are stellations of the original uniform polyhedra.
Some of these stellations have the same convex hulls that yield already-known noble polyhedra, so mightn't some have convex hulls that yield undiscovered nobles?
By faceting the dual of the great ditrigonal dodecicosidodecahedron, we get the polyhedron on the left, and its dual (a stellated great ditrigonal dodecicosidodecahedron) on the right.

Taking the convex hull of that polyhedron on the right, and faceting it with the criteria "Isohedral", we get a new noble and its dual.

They are the only nobles so far (with icosahedral symmetry) that are made of 5gons and non-chiral.