Net for cuboctahedron from tetrahedra+octagons? and Torus

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Net for cuboctahedron from tetrahedra+octagons? and Torus

Post by ccrom1123 »

(I'm a re-new user, only made basic stuff years ago)
I'd like to construct a cuboctahedra with a skeletal-looking net; made from 6 tetrahedra and 6 half-octahedra.
I'm making a model to show people how a torus fits around/through this structure. I want them to be able to see into it (no outside-faces; I'll cut holes in the sides).
What do I put into the Stella 4D Pro fields to make this from cardstock?

While I'm asking, is there a stella model for a torus of any sort?

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Re: Net for cuboctahedron from tetrahedra+octagons? and Torus

Post by robertw »

Sorry, I meant to come back to this.

You would need 8 tetrahedra and 6 square pyramids (half octahedra), but not sure what you mean by a skeletal net. I think of a net as how a polyhedron unfolds into 2D, but that's not what you mean. I think you mean just the faces of the tetrahedra and pyramids that touch the centre of the cuboctahedron. You could probably just print nets for the tetrahedra and pyramids and leave off their bases. Then attach them all together.

For a torus, use "Poly->Create Torus" from the menu
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Re: Net for cuboctahedron from tetrahedra+octagons? and Torus

Post by ccrom1123 »

Thanks very much!
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