Dual polyhedron name

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Dual polyhedron name

Post by zhiwang »

I'm currently working on dual transformations of some polyhedral shapes, such as the Johnson solids below and a few other polyhedra. However, I'm not very familiar with the names of these dual polyhedra. Could you please tell me their names? The yellow ones are the original polyhedra, and the orange ones are their corresponding dual polyhedra.
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Re: Dual polyhedron name

Post by robertw »

As far as I know, the duals of the Johnson solids don't generally have names.

And if they have pyramidal symmetry or less, then the precise geometry of the dual would be somewhat ambiguous too, since there's no obvious centre for spherical reciprocation (not that that means they couldn't still have names). Eg the dual of the square-based pyramid J1 is just another square-based pyramid, but its height will depend on where you place the centre for reciprocation.
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