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Purchasing Stella4D - University license

Cost: $545

University name. [required]
Name of university, including a city (eg "Blah college, Melbourne").

Licensee's name. [required]
This should be the name of the person who will be custodian of the university license, and should be a staff member at the university.
First names (include title if you wish)
Last name

Licensee's email address. [required]
This should be the email address of the person named above. The license codes to enable the software and all other details will be sent to this address. The address will never be given to anyone else.

Country. [required]
In what country do you live?

How did you hear about Stella?
If you found it using a search engine, which one and what search terms did you use?

Any additional comments?

I have read and accept the license agreement. I have also installed the demo version and confirmed that it runs to my satisfaction using my computer/printer setup. [required]

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