Feature |
Small Stella |
Great Stella |
Stella4D / Stella4D Pro |
Polyhedra included |
Platonic solids | | | |
Archimedean solids | | | |
Kepler-Poinsot | | | |
Prisms/antiprisms | Convex only | | |
All other uniform polyhedra | | | |
Johnson solids | | | |
"Near misses" (almost Johnson solids) | | | |
Stewart toroids | | | |
Compounds | A few | Over 100 | Over 100, plus some 4D compounds |
Geodesic domes | | | |
Pyramids, cupolae, cuploids, cupolaic-blends | | | |
Brückner's 1906 polyhedra | | | |
Waterman polyhedra | | | 3D and 4D |
All 16 regular polychora (polychoron = 4D polytope) | | | |
All 1849 known uniform polychora | | | |
Uniform duoprisms and antiduoprisms | | | |
Various 4D uniform fissaries and scaliforms | | | |
Polyhedral nets (for making paper models) |
Print nets | | | |
Tabs on nets | | | |
Scale nets by setting model radius/edge length/etc | | | |
Multiple nets arranged on each page | | | |
Group nets by color (optional) | | | |
Manual tweaking of nets | | | |
Edge connection IDs so you know what to glue to what | | | |
Design additional internal parts for increased robustness | | | |
View nets folding/unfolding in real-time | | | |
Export net measurements for alternative construction (e.g. wood) | | | |
3D nets of 4D polytopes (1, 2) | | | |
Polyhedral tools |
Animated transitions between models (e.g. 1) | | | |
Design your own polyhedral tours (e.g. 1) | | | |
Duality (spherical reciprocation) | | | 3D and 4D |
Compound with dual | But no nets | | 3D and 4D |
Morph between duals in real-time (8 methods) (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) | But no nets | | |
Animated 2D slices of 3D polyhedra (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) | | | |
Animated 3D slices of 4D polychora (1, 2, 3, 4) | | | |
Step through slice depths that hit vertices | | | 3D and 4D |
Measure distance between vertices, lines and planes | | | 3D and 4D |
Faceting (examples, description, manual) | | | |
Augmentation/excavation/drilling (glue polyhedra together) | | | |
Blend two polyhedra | | | |
Convex hulls and cores | | | 3D and 4D |
Zonohedrify (create zonohedron from other polyhedron) | | | |
Geodesic spheres based on any other polyhedron | | | |
Choose subsymmetry (affects coloring, stellation etc) | | | |
Delete/keep one part of compound | | | 3D and 4D |
Multi-level undo/redo | | | |
Stellation |
Stellation of polyhedra (examples, description) | | | |
Various stellation criteria (Miller's rules, fully supported, mainline etc) | | | |
Step through stellations, or choose cells manually | | | |
2D stellation diagrams | | | |
Stellation diagrams attached to 3D polyhedron | | | |
Cell diagrams (tree structure of stellation cells) | | | |
Stellation of arbitrary set of planes | | | |
4D-specific tools |
View 3D projections of 4D polytopes (orthogonal or perspective, e.g. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) | | | |
Rotate polytopes in 4D | | | |
3D cross-sections of 4D polytopes (e.g. 1, 2, 3, 4, and animated: 5, 6, 7) | | | |
View 3D nets of polychora (e.g. 1, 2, 3, 4) | | | |
Manually rearrange cells in nets | | | |
View 3D vertex figures of polychora | | | |
View 3D cells of polychora | | | |
Truncate, rectify, and expand polychora | | | |
Convex hulls and cores of polychora | | | |
Build 4D prisms from 3D polyhedra | | | |
Create 4D step prisms and gyrochora | | | |
Decorative tools |
Comprehensive choices for face/edge/vertex coloring | | | |
Put images/photos on faces (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) | | | |
Interactive control of image position/rotation/scale | | | |
Images included in printed nets (1, 2) | | | |
Display formatted text on faces/edges/vertices | | | |
Display tools |
Geomag rendering mode (e.g. 1, 2, 3, 4) | | | |
Stereoscopic 3D display (with red/blue glasses or cross-eyed/parallel-eyed pair) | | | |
Spheres at vertices/cylinders along edges | | | |
Hide some faces | | | |
Display rotational symmeties | | | |
Display reflective symmeties | | | |
Display vertex figures | | | |
Merge colors of overlapping coplanar faces | | | |
Information window |
Shows alternative names | | | |
Shows Wenninger index & page number | | | |
Shows Wythoff symbol | | | |
Shows number of faces/edges/vertices | | | |
Shows number of parts in compound | | | |
Shows genus, density, surface area, volume | | | |
Number of parts in nets | | | |
Number of edges to cut/fold/glue in nets | | | |
Stellation info | | | |
Input/Output |
Export anti-aliased 2D images and videos in various formats | | | |
Import 3D polyhedra from OFF format (Requires closed surface with double precision coordinates) | | | |
Import 4D polytopes from OFF format (Requires double precision coordinates) | | | |
Export 3D polyhedra to DXF format | | | |
Export 3D polyhedra to POV-Ray format | | | |
Export 3D polyhedra to VRML format | | | |
Export 3D polyhedra to OBJ format | | | |
Export 3D polyhedra to OFF format | | | |
Export 3D polyhedra to STL format | | | |
Licensing |
For commercial use | | | Stella4D: , Stella4D Pro: |
Prices |
Free demo | | | |
Single user license | $14 | $45 | Stella4D: $67, Stella4D Pro: $120 |
School license | $75 | $219 | Stella4D: $329 |
University license | $125 | $359 | Stella4D: $545 |