| Small Rhombihexahedron |
- Vertex description: 8.4.8/7.4/3
- Faces: 18
- Edges: 48
- Vertices: 24
- External facelets: 66
- Dual: Small rhombihexacron
- Name breakdown:
- Small: To distinguish polyhedra that would otherwise have the
same name.
- Rhombi-: 12 faces (squares) lie parallel to those of a
rhombic dodecahedron
- -hexa-: 6 faces (octagons) lie parallel to those of a
cube (also known as a hexahedron)
A uniform polyhedron whose faces consist of 12 squares (orange) and 6
octagons (red, green and blue). It is a faceting of the
rhombicuboctahedron, that is, it shares the
same vertices. It also shares the same vertices with the
Small Cubicuboctahedron and the
stellated truncated hexahedron. In fact all
but the last of those share the same edges too.
Nets for this model were printed from Great Stella using a colour laser
printer onto white paper. The result almost looks like plastic. The colour
cracks though when scoring and folding, hence the white edges.
The nets from Great Stella.
Start by putting the central cube together, with tabs facing out.
The remaining parts have nets like this. Some tabs should be glued
facing out, and others will be glued around other pairs of tabs that
were already glued facing out. Just decide as you go.
Here's that central cube again, with four of the other parts glued
around the bottom.
Four more parts attached.
One part left to go. Be careful not to get glue on the outside of the
Another view of the finished model.